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We are proud to offer a unique blend of expertise and patient-centered care for all members of your family
General Practice

Acupuncture has been identified as a first line non-pharmacological therapy by the FDA and the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. The practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine creates a synergy between the internal organs to brain and nerve cells. This allows us to regulate the body systemically and establishes a foundation for holistic health. When we say we have a general practice it's because we treat it all, it's all linked, it's all relevant. If you have the symptom, we have the herb or  acupuncture point to match it.

End of Life Care

Traditional Chinese Medicine is complimentary to many Western modalities used within a palliative care setting. TCM modalities reduce suffering and ensure effectiveness of care coordination. It is a reliable resource when shifting the focus of care from curing an illness to symptom management or comfort care. Acupuncture is multifaceted and can continuously meet the needs of the patient as their condition progresses. End of Life Care is meant for both palliative patients and their caregivers.

Fertility & Family Planning

Acupuncture has a far reach when it comes to supporting someone who is planning a family. It is beneficial for both parents and baby. Acupuncture has proven it has the ability to increase blood circulation and nerve conduction within the reproductive system.  It stimulates the communication between the reproductive system and the brain. There are a ton of benefits to complimenting IVF with acupuncture. Family planning is an area where acupuncture's versatility really stands out.

Family Focused Care

At Miywasin Wellness we are passionate about the opportunity to work with families. We feel that the health of the family is just as important as the health of the individual. TCM can be beneficial for every family member as it offers a diverse tool kit that allows us to tailor our treatments. Our goal is to facilitate more health focused discussions within the family unit.

Women's Health

It's no secret that women go through many stages in life with their bodies. Hormones and menstruation make up an internal system that requires our constant awareness in order to keep balanced. Herbal medicine and acupuncture can support women through puberty, child bearing, and menopause all thanks to it's holistic approach. And YES! That means we can fix your hot flashes!


Miywasin Wellness is a community for health conscious individuals who are seeking support on journeys of self care. We are devoted to healing others by way of servant leadership. We are committed to the integration of all medical modalities from East to West, Allopathic to Alternative, and Traditional to Modern. We love a challenge and can't wait to work with you.

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